Monday, November 4, 2013

Comment and message me please

I'm in need of ideas for customs. PLEASE message me or comment and tell me your ideas. You can email comment on this post or message me in game, however you do it everything helps. Everything helps! The best ideas will be the next customs on the blog.

thanks for reading

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Sorry to all of the graalians that check my blog regularly. I'm back again! and I'm here to make graal a better place so message me in game or leave me comments I'm eager to answer all questions and concerns. Check back regularly for new customs edits and links to great stuff.
Here's a cool gif i made for the heck of it.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

I'm Returning

Sorry to all of the graalians that check my blog regularly, for those who don't you have come just in time for a graphical renaissance. I've been busy, but I am working on a few bodies and heads for the blog so don't fret.

If you love a good laugh check out my tumblr at

New Body